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  • Molly

The best photos from the shoots

Updated: Sep 1, 2020

This one of my favourite photos from the shoot because I like how it is similar to Carroll's photograph it is and I also like how it's kind of surrealistic in a sense that marine life unconsciously eat plastic everyday thinking that it's their food which can seriously impact on the marine species health; killing countless marine animals and this is now portrayed onto humans because the plastic appears to look similar to cereal suggesting that it could/would impact on human life as well. In addition, I like how bold and eye-catching the bits of plastic are and I also like that all the different pieces of plastic have different intricate textures and bright colours.

This photo is also one of my faviourite of the shoot because it successfully displays the message that marine animals can get caught up and trapped in plastic and ropes however, instead I used a human hand to help demonstrate that humans are responsible for the plastic and rubbish in the oceans. Furthermore, I chose to use a bright blue rope because it instantly captures the viewers attention and helps them understand and accept the message.

This is another of my faviourite images out of the shoot because I like close-up it is, allowing the viewer to empathise with the subject because she is looking straight into the camera and straight at the viewer. However, the blue rope implies that the viewer can't help the subject because the rope has blocked them, suggesting that she is trapped. I think that the depth of field in this photograph helps draw attention to the subjects eyes as well as to the rope as they are the main features of the image.

This is another one of my most successful photographs because I like how it references how marine life can get trapped and tangled in ropes like these which could possibly kill them or cause them severe injuries. Reflecting this onto humans will help grab the attentions viewer and will help understand the importance of this message and will help want to make change. In terms of techniques I think that it is successful because I like the contrast between the subjects black and simple clothing and the vibrant and bold blue rope, helping personify the underlying message of this image.

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